City High Street Shop Closed after 22-Feb Earthquake.

An ordinary day for us at work. I was at Teasme Church Corner working as usual until it was time to go to City to take over Vivian’s  at 1pm. As I drove passed the round about from Riccarton entering the city an earthquake shook my car swing the tail like I was drifting. I tried to call both shops, but all cell and landlines were down. I What happens after is captured in this photo album. At the center of the city, almost all buildings on Columbo St were destroyed (fallen), trees blocked the roads, liquid and sand bursting from the ground. I met Vivian in front of the shop. People were scared, hurt and receiving CPR. After Vivian and I left the shop. We had to go around a few blocks to get back to the car. Here are some more photos. What happened at the City shop was too much for me to lift my camera to take photos. The shop is badly destroyed. Our Church Corner Branch is operating now.

Christchurch’s Boxing Day Replay

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CCBA Boxing Day Replay promotion was held today .

CCBA have arranged for a launch ceremony that will start at 9.30am and finish at 10am where Mayor Bob Parker and Hon. Gerry Brownlie will push the Replay button signifying the going back in time to recapture the lost Boxing Day trade. There will be street shows and roving acts by the …CPIT Circo Art Street performers adding some fun and colour to the streets so bring your family in for the day of fun.

There was the Winning Wheel promotion bought to you by Westpac and the Central City Business Association. There’s $100 city retail store vouchers given away on the morning. This promotion was well over $35,000 of city retail vouchers which will be given away over the coming six weeks period. First spin of the wheel is at 10.15am on Saturday morning.

It was a great day with beautiful weather of everyone include people working in town. Thanks for everyone in Christchurch turned up. There were people all over the streets, it was great to see.

And of course, thanks to everyone who turned up at Teasme High St. Today was certainly one of those great days for a cup of ice tea while you shop.

Blending new teas summer 2011.

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